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AfterBurner 12/10/16
Space 52 (for Open2X fir... 21/09/16
Space 52 (for official f... 21/09/16
Boomshine2x (Java) 20/11/15
Pipes v2.1 11/08/15
AlexKidd2X v0.6.4u 29/05/15
PocketSNES v7.2.1 28/05/15
Coppergreen 18/02/15
Adamant Armor Affection ... 22/01/15
Cherry Candy Raep Gaiden 21/01/15
Lolicopocalypse 20/01/15
Snatcher Skin 06/03/14
Earthbound Skin for GMen... 06/03/14
Flappy Nerd 03/03/14
megazeux 29/08/13
Chicken Puyopuyo (Alpha ... 05/03/13
Chalcogens 29/11/12
Masteries Runners 26/11/12
Tyropite 25/11/12
GP2X System Tools 25/10/12
Flow 13/10/12
GP2X Hardware Library 11/09/12
1897 (Invention of the C... 29/08/12
Once upon a Time in the ... 26/08/12
Marte Necesita Vacas 18/08/12
Wiztern Demo (Bang!-like... 12/07/12
Wind and Water (Full Gam... 12/07/12
Firewhip (Full Game) 12/07/12
MazezaM 05/06/12
Sqrxz 3 - Adventure for ... 17/03/12
Ultratumba 08/03/12
La Escoba 08/03/12
EXP for GP2X 08/03/12
Bermuda Syndrome 06/03/12
Starship Soldier 04/03/12
Liquid Counter 04/03/12
Rookie Hero (EXP Version... 20/02/12
Puzzletube for the origi... 22/01/12
Puzzletube 20/01/12
Wizznic 0.9.9 05/01/12
Poutine 28/11/11
DJVU2X 29/10/11
Angband2x 28/10/11
Chess2X source code 17/08/11
Chess2X 17/08/11
Batiscafo 17/08/11
Rock Rain 2 17/08/11
Panta VS Dragon: El teso... 25/07/11
Pure 19/07/11
Geek 'em up 13/07/11

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Home : gp2x - Demos 55 Files 86.14 MB

Thanks A LOT to Antiriad for the cool icons!

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 Screenshot  Name Date  Downloads  Comments  Size 
 1897 (Invention of the CRT) 29/08/2012  534  202  1.70 MB 
Our first dual cpu demo on GP2X. We use the 2nd cpu to compute an old Cathode Ray Tube image (distorsion + color blending). The demo itself is a retro-style one. See file_id.diz for more info.
 2D and 3D Particles 23/03/2008  915  15  217.6 KB 

I’m new on the GP2X community, and my first « project » was to make particles systems.

There are 2 particles systems, 2D and 3D.
The 3D version use « Trenki » fixed float and vector math « lib ».

Screenshots is not the best to see par...More
 3D Software Engine Demo 18/09/2010  125  25  571.1 KB 
A simple 3D software engine demo made with BennuGD! Excelent for door's and objects in a 2D perspective game.
 a Voxel demo 31/01/2008  1,228  12  82.2 KB 
a small interactive Voxel Demo for GP2X
 Anataus 4 15/06/2008  3,171  14  1.53 MB 
An old ms-dos demo (1997) ported to GP2X.
 Aprils Fool: gpsp 01/04/2007  3,415  17  3.37 MB 
An aprils fool by Exophase (a fake GBA Emulator release)
 Babylon Bastard 04/08/2006  2,173  15  865.8 KB 
A demo for the gp2x.
Coded for the gp2x Demo Compo 2006.
 BennuGD Wiz Fractals 18/09/2010  191  9  566.4 KB 
A Demo of 2 fractals generated by BennuGD engine.
 Chalcogens 29/11/2012  2,904  459  2.28 MB 
This demo was first shown at @Recursion 2012 held in University Concordia, Montreal (Quebec), Canada on November 24, 2012. Ranked #1 at the party in the DEMO category.

.Code: F-Cycles/Quebarium, Luis/DESiRE^TRSI, Scali/DESiRE
.Graphics: Alien/PDX, Kene...More
 Chrysler 25/08/2006  3,523  6  983.2 KB 
GP2X port of a demo originally made for AGA/060 Amigas. Versions for other platforms are available at:
 Code Alone 04/08/2006  3,888  9  37.8 KB 
A demo for the gp2x.
Coded for the gp2x Demo Compo 2006.
 Creep Tea 03/08/2006  1,532  56  1.14 MB 
My 1st genuine demo for GP2X, a contribution to the GP2X demo competition 2006. Several nice 3d scenes, source code included.
 Cube Effects Demo 04/08/2006  3,742  7  21.0 KB 
The Cube Effects demo is a simple spinning 3D cube with
a variety of texture and post processing effects.

Coded for the gp2x Demo Compo 2006.
 Debris 04/08/2006  3,719  9  1.46 MB 
Coded for the gp2x Demo Compo 2006.
 Demo 01/03/2006  3,731  6  1.40 MB 
A showcase of my 2d software routines - it's a "old skool" like demo however as I'm not to great graphics designers it hasn't any nicer bitmaps (except the splash screens from GBAX). I could also implement more (and far better effects) but I didn't manage ...More
 Demo1 04/08/2006  3,663  6  13.7 KB 
Coded for the gp2x Demo Compo 2006.
 DOSBox: Bubble generator demo 11/10/2006  3,285  5  32.6 KB 
EYE CANDY for DOSBox which generates bubbles!
 DOSBox: JokeBox 13/10/2006  3,318  4  33.5 KB 
A program that tells random jokes!

DISCLAIMER: may contain strong language!
 Dynamic Random Dithering demo 27/12/2006  3,286  10  967.7 KB 
Demo comparing the displaying of undithered images and "dynamic" (understand animated) random dithering as discussed here

Simply drag main.gpe anywhere in the SD as well as all the .png file...More
 F341 12/07/2007  3,331  6  4.27 MB 
The demo features point and line rendering, gouraud shading, lighting, texture and environment mapping and additive blending. The demo also runs on Windows so you don't need a GP2X to watch. For more details read the Readme.txt file
included with the dem...More
 Fire Mini Demo 27/04/2006  3,928  5  537.5 KB 
Mini fire demo. Uses SDL. Little effect I coded up a few years ago for a friend.
 Flesh-Chasmer tech-demo 06/05/2007  3,456  16  557.1 KB 
*Requires SDL libs installed for proper work!

Since it is just a techdemo, camera behaves ugly :)
 Flow 13/10/2012  2,487  112  2.00 MB 
A small intro for DemoSplash 2012. Code: F-Cycles, Music: TronicSynth.
 GP2X Demo Development Part 1 26/04/2006  6,710  15  11.6 KB 
GP2X Demo Development Part 1

How to keep exectuables small and a first Hello World!
 GP2X DOSBox tests 02/05/2008  3,147  36  55.1 KB 
### GP2X DOSBox tests for v0.72 of DOSBox ###
Source code included, you will need QB 7.1 Extended PDS to compile.

The tests included are:

* File writing and deleting
* File reading
* Graphics test
* Sound test
* Touchscreen/Mouse test
* Guess y...More
 GP2X GPS 25/06/2006  3,636  35  1.14 MB 
Never get lost again! No extra hardware needed. Accurate to within about 1 metre.
Downloads from this category: 161,294 Files (234.486 GB)
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Copyright © 2002-2003 Carrick Information Technologies
Most DownloadsMost Downloads
Rndis Drivers Pack for w... 130,132
Arcade: MAMEGP2x 124,228
GP2X User Guide 49,959
NeoGeo: GNGeo2x 46,505
GameBoy Advance: gpSP 43,142
Arcade: MAME4ALL 40,412
Genesis: DrMDx 39,533
Genesis / MegaCD: PicoDr... 37,063
SNES: PocketSNES 36,802
SNES: SquidgeSNES 28,333
Duke3D 26,378
Quake I 26,019
gp2x SDL Libraries 22,286
Firmware 2.0.0 21,308
MP2X 20,427
GMenu2x 20,289
NES: GPFCE 20,196
GameBoy: GnuBoy 20,173
NeoGeo: Rage2X (GNGeo Fr... 19,420
Amiga: uae4allgp2x 18,402
MAMEGP2x Sources 17,805
Arcade: MAME4ALL - Sampl... 17,070
SNES: SNES9x 16,684
Arcade: cps2emu test ver... 16,603
PCEngine: GP2XEngine 16,317
CPU/LCD-Tweaker 15,463
Cave Story ~ Doukutsu Mo... 15,193
Linux-USB Ethernet/RNDIS... 14,961
SuperTux 14,448
GameBoy Advance: vba2x-r 13,368
FBA Cache 13,203
GP2xTRA - issue #01 13,016
Firmware 4.0.0 for F100 12,906
SMS / GG: Alexkidd2x 12,726
Commodore Machines: Vice... 12,632
Firmware 2.1.1 12,559
gp2x - PSP - NDS Video C... 12,465
Super Maryo Chronicles 12,456
Arcade: MAME4ALL - Artwo... 12,390
PC-Engine: HU6280 PC-Eng... 11,885
NeoGeo CD: NeoCD2X 11,843
Atari ST: OutcaST / CaST... 11,692
Egoboo2x 11,360
Full Devkit 2006/03/06 11,353
PDFView 10,980
C64: Frodo2x 10,862
Firmware 1.4.0 10,835
TTD2X: Transport Tycoon ... 10,320
Arcade: FBA2X - FinalBur... 10,055
Firmware 3.0.0 9,958

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