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 File Info  Browsing as Guest 
Home : Caanoo - Games : Games - Freeware : Shooters : 21 Files 264.35 MB
 Quake 1 (upgraded engine)
GPH Quake - Quake for GPH CAANOO

1. About
2. FAQ
3. New Commands
4. Changelog
5. Team

1. About
This is an port of GLQuake for GPH CAANOO.

2. FAQ
F 1: Can i play the Shareware Version?
A 1: Yes, we can!

F 2: Whats is an ".LIT" File?
A 2: Its for the Coloured Lights in Quake maps

F 3: How to use Change Game?
A 3: Use the Command Menu and enter: game (My MOD Here!)

F 4: The Game Crash sometimes?
A 4: GLQuake have a lot of Bugs and can Crash.

F 5: Can i connect to QuakeWorld Server?
A 5: No, you can play only on Quake Server.

F 6: I have a custom map how to Start it?
A 6: Edit and make an entry in "maplist.txt".

F 7: Can i Play the Full Half-Life?
A 7: Quick: No

F 8: I use 3D Skybox but it dont show me an 3D Sky?
A 8: You must make your own Custom 3D Skys.

F 9: How can i use Color in Chat?
A 9: You can add Color in this way: say &c000 Hello World &r (&cRGB / &r Set Normal.)

F 10: Quake have few Memory, how i can give more?
A 10: Read the "id1.gpe" and you will see -mem 64 this will give GPH Quake 64MB Ram.

F 11: Bumpmap, how to use?
A 11: for now better dont use but you can use with this command: gl_bumpmap_enable 1

F 12: How can i disable the Dynamic Torchflares?
A 12: Easy only set: gl_torchflares 0 thats all.

3. New Commands:
r_skybox - Show Skybox / Set: 0/1
cvarlist - List of all Cvars
cmdlist - List of all Cmds
gl_texture_filter - Change the GL Filter / Set: 0/1/2
r_viewmodeloffset - Set Weapon / Set: -5/5
hud_alpha - New and Old Hud Style / Set: 0/1
show_fps - Show FPS / Set: 0/1
cl_touchscreen_option - Change Touch Option / Set 0/1/2
cl_autocenterview - Auto Centerview Set: 0/1
sv_progs - Can load different progs.dat
-valve - Start parameter to start Half-Life Quake Mod
show_particles - Show Particles / Set: 0/1
gl_torchflares - Better Dynamic Torchflares / Set: 0/1
gl_bumpmap_enable - Enable Bumpmap / Set: 0/1
gl_bumpmap_intensity - Bumpmap intensity / Set: 0.0/1.0
cl_web_download - Enable Web Download / Set: 0/1
cl_web_download_url - Download URL
cl_demoplay - Show Start Demo / Set: 0/1
cl_haptic - Enable Haptic(Vibration) / Set: 0/1

4. Changelog
Version 1:
- Pickle port Quake for GPH CAANOO

Version 2:
- Name and Command Menu
- Player Color Change
- Net-code Fix
- Serverlist

Version 3:
- Memory Saving
- Z-Fighting Fix
- Anti-Wallhack
- Scoreboards Fix
- Advance Option Menu
- Set Weapon (Left,Middle,Right)
- Show FPS
- HUD Alpha

Version 4:
- Half-Life Map Support (Graphic Glitch)
- Net-code Fix
- Waterriple
- LIT Support
- HUD Alpha Fix
- Save Config Fix
- Glow Effects
- Ingame Mod Switch
- Dynamic Lights
- 3D Skybox

Version 5:
- Transparent Console
- 3D Skybox Fix
- Menu Fix for Dynamic Lights
- EndFrame Fix
- Cache_Alloc Fix
- Coop Fix
- Removed unwanted spaces
- Add "cmdlist" and "cvarlist" command
- Console Scrolling
- Add Color to Console and Chat
- Touch Support

Version 6:
- Touch Option
- Touch Sensitivity Fix
- Auto Centerview Option
- Custom Mods List (Beta 2)
- LIT Files for Quake Addons
- Custom Maps Menu
- Half-Life Maps Fix
- Add sv_progs command
- Half-Life Quake Mod Support
- Add show_particles command
- Bumpmap (Alpha)
- Better Dynamic Torchflares
- Q3 Item bobbing

Version 6 Rev. 2:
- Config Save fix
- Touchscreen Fix

Version 7:
- Touch Support - Final
- Edit Advance Menu
- Add Video Menu
- Quake Files Download (libcurl)

Version 8:
- Multiplayer Create Game Menu Fix
- Mods and Maps Menu Fix
- Sound Sample Freq set 11025
- Add command cl_playdemo disable the Game Demos
- Add command -cpu XXX setup the CPU Clock
- Server downloads color Fix
- Add Haptic(Vibration)
- Add command cl_haptic disable vibration

Version 9:
- Add 3G Sensor
- Add command cl_sensor disable 3G Sensor
- Add command cl_sensor_x setup the 3G Sensor X-Axis
- Add command cl_sensor_y setup the 3G Sensor Y-Axis
- Change Touchfields to W, A, S, D keys
- Manuel Maplist change to Autodetect Maplist (Check the Maps dir for BSP Files)
- Manual Modlist change to Autodetect Modlist (Check the Quake-root and can select Floders as Mod)
- Add option for Custom Textures
- Add Alpha Channel to Half-Life Maps
- Add CD Music use .wav as music.
- Fixed Gamma adjuster.
- Add cl_footsteps, r_drawworld, r_drawsky and gl_fullbright
- Add Footstep and Swim Sounds
- Add r_mapshots
- Add Footsteps and Models Interpolate to Advance menu

5. Team
- Pickle
- Rikku2000
Date: 24/10/2011
Size: 22.57 MB
Version: v9
Author: Pickle and Rikku2000
Downloads: 4,392
Sourcecode URL:
Operating Systems: Caanoo

Connection Download Time
56k Modem 1 hours, 14 mins
128k ISDN 28 mins, 93 secs
256k Cable/DSL 13 mins, 93 secs
512k Cable/DSL 7 mins, 23 secs
1mbit Link 3 mins, 58 secs
Please note: The comment section is NOT intended to ask for help. Please use the I need Help-Section at the boards.

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