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AfterBurner 12/10/16
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First Age Angband 1.2.7 ... 04/12/11

 File Info  Browsing as Guest 
Home : WIZ - Emulators : Console Emulators : 34 Files 30.45 MB
 Gameboy Color: OhBoy
OhBoy is a Game-Boy/Game-Boy Color Emulator based on gnuboy 1.0.3. This is beta software, user feedback & feature requests would be greatly appreciated.
Date: 21/12/2009
Size: 140.2 KB
Version: 1.0.0-beta 1
Author: UBYTE
Downloads: 3,581
Full English Review:
Operating Systems: GPH WIZ

Connection Download Time
56k Modem 25.5 secs
128k ISDN 10.8 secs
256k Cable/DSL 5.2 secs
512k Cable/DSL 2.7 secs
1mbit Link 1.3 secs
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Powered by CFiles 2.0-b10
Copyright © 2002-2003 Carrick Information Technologies
Most DownloadsMost Downloads
Arcade: Mame4all Wiz 34,310
SNES: PocketSNES 29,727
Arcade: CPS2 Emu for WIZ 25,755
SMS/GG: AlexKidd2x 22,819
Openwiz linux toolchain 22,464
NeoGeo CD: NeoCD 4 WIZ 22,268
Sonic Robo Blast 2 21,522
GameBoy Advance: gpSP 19,827
Genesis / MegaCD: PicoDr... 18,900
PSX: psx4all - Wiz 18,202
SDLQuake2 Demo Video 17,514
Rainbow Plains 17,341
Gmenu2x 17,069
OpenGL ES Libraries 17,058
FinalBurn Alpha 17,023
glquake on wiz 16,509
Wiz OpenGL Demos 16,346
Amiga: UAE4ALL 0.8.0 Bet... 16,212
Vice 2.1 C64 15,668
PC-Engine: Temper 15,617
Dosbox 14,835
Bubble Train 14,380
Firmware V1.2.1 14,035
Nether Dimensional Runne... 13,914
Sqdef 13,459
NeoGeo Pocket: R.A.C.E. 13,422
Blix2x 13,187
NES: Gpfce 13,135
CloneKeen 13,087
Firmware 1.1.0 13,055
libcastor 12,905
Super Mario War 12,778
Wiztern 12,695
PCSX4ALL 12,628
Abuse 12,564
FinalBurn Alpha Cache To... 12,555
Ruck-Man 12,524
Her Knights - All for th... 12,468
Sudoku2x 12,361
Myriad 12,338
Atari VCS 2600: Wiz-2600 12,304
PicoDrive Sourcecode 12,303
Vectrex: Gex2x for Wiz 12,259
Fenix and Ufenix Runtime 12,210
Pentominos 12,116
Tail Tale 12,088
Battlejewels 12,079
NeoGeo: Dumpgfx Win 11,815
cpufreq 11,744
C64: Frodo 11,744

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