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Home : WIZ - Emulators : Console Emulators : 34 Files 30.45 MB
 NeoGeo: Dumpgfx Win
BIG ROM Support:
Some neogeo Roms are too big to fit in the Wiz memory. In order to played them, a file contening all the sprite data have to be create. This file is then stremed from your sd card by gngeo while you're playing. Depending on the speed of your card, it have an impact on the emulation speed.
Most of the roms can be dumped directly by gngeo2x itself. When you laod one of it for the first time, gngeo will ask you if you want to dump the sprite data in a gfx file. Just answer yes, wait a little (take a coffea ;) ) and the dump is created :) just restart gngeo and enjoy.

The dump process on the Wiz can be quite slow. Plus, crypted roms and some roms with weird memorymap can't be dump by the Wiz. For that, an utility called dumpgfx can be use on windows or linux to dump the gfx file. You just have to put the created file in the roms folders of your SD cards.
Date: 09/08/2009
Size: 71.2 KB
Author: pepone
Downloads: 12,379
Full English Review:
Operating Systems: Windows

Connection Download Time
56k Modem 12.9 secs
128k ISDN 5.5 secs
256k Cable/DSL 2.6 secs
512k Cable/DSL 1.4 secs
1mbit Link 0.7 secs
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Most DownloadsMost Downloads
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Firmware 1.1.0 13,612
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Tail Tale 12,693
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NeoGeo: Dumpgfx Win 12,379
C64: Frodo 12,359
cpufreq 12,344

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