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Home : Pandora - Games : Games - Freeware : Adventure and RPG : 28 Files 357.49 MB
 Conquestador (Las 3 luces de Glaurung)
Port of the 8-bit classic Conquestador (Las tres luces de Glaurung in Spain) made by Topo Soft in 1986.
Name: Glaurung.pnd
Date: 15/11/2011
Size: 13.64 MB
Version: 1
Author: M.A. Software, port by doragasu
Downloads: 55
Sourcecode URL:
Licence: GPLv2
Operating Systems: Pandora

Connection Download Time
56k Modem 41 mins, 32 secs
128k ISDN 17 mins, 48 secs
256k Cable/DSL 8 mins, 42 secs
512k Cable/DSL 4 mins, 37 secs
1mbit Link 2 mins, 16 secs
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