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Ohboy_Dingoo_Native_2014... 12/07/15
Temper 0.81 for Dingoo N... 27/09/14
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Home : Dingoo - Emulators : Console Emulators : 107 Files 89.03 MB
 ReGBA [alpha 6] for OpenDingux
Features of this new build:

*The emulator has a menu, the settings from the menu are saved in a text file at local/home/.gpsp/global_config.cfg
*Synchronised video.
*Almost synchronised audio.
*rendered/emulated FPS counter, disabled by default.
*Automatic and manual frameskip.
*Two scaling modes, "full" (streched to fullscreen) and "aspect" (mantains GBA aspect ratio), also you can show unscaled images.
*Bundled with game_config.txt for greater compatibility and with Normmatt Open-Source BIOS.
*Unscaled images have a border around them created by hi-ban. You can override this border by putting one at local/home/.gpsp/border.png

X = Open the main menu.
Name: regba-alpha6-opendingux.tar.gz
Date: 09/10/2013
Size: 257.8 KB
Version: alpha 6
Author: Nebuleon, pcercuei and JohnnyonFlame
Downloads: 3,326
Full English Review:
Operating Systems: Dingoo Linux

Connection Download Time
56k Modem 46.9 secs
128k ISDN 19.8 secs
256k Cable/DSL 9.5 secs
512k Cable/DSL 5.0 secs
1mbit Link 2.5 secs
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Copyright © 2002-2003 Carrick Information Technologies
Most DownloadsMost Downloads
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Default emulator: Neo Ge... 10,986
CZDoom 10,492
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WonderSwan: NuiWSC 8,305
Duke nukem 3d (staticly ... 8,253
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C64: Vice 8,127
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MAME4ALL for Dingoo Nati... 8,105
eduke32 8,066
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MVS Emulator with TEST s... 7,894
Default emulator: Ninten... 7,782
PC-Engine: DOOEngine 7,675
HK Dingoo GBA.sim 7,651
NES: Nofrendo 7,511
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minimal local pack 7,371
PocketSNES v2.3.2 7,010
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