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Home : Dingoo - Games : Games - Freeware : Shooters : 71 Files 448.52 MB
Enhanced PRBoom port especially for handheld devices.

From the README file:

CZDoom - Enhanced Handheld Port of PRBoom for the
Dingoo A320

Modifications made by CongoZombie

Based on PrBoom,

Code adapted from the original Dingoo Port by

This port has enhancements to make it more suitable
for use on portable devices.

These enhancements include:

* Changes to the control code to make best use of the
available buttons on the console:

There is now a weapon select button. When it
is held down, weapon switches can be made with
the d-pad. It is mapped to the "Best Weapon"
key in the Doom key map.

* Savegame names are automatically generated to compensate
for the lack of a keyboard. They take the form:

*Map name* - *Difficulty* - *Total game time*


E1M4 - Hard - 00:22:35

* There is now a confirmation message when trying to overwrite
an existing game save.

* Text strings in the game have been changed to reflect the
changes in control scheme.

(i.e. instead of saying "Press Y to quit.", it now says
"Press Start to quit.")

* When the player is dead, a message appears telling the user
to press the Y button to restart.

* Changes to the workings of the automap- Select (escape) now
brings up the automap when in game to free up an extra button
When the automap is displayed, the game is paused. Since the
d-pad pans the map and the shoulder buttons zoom, the original
Doom functionality of being able to move around in automap
view won't work anyway.

The control scheme for the Dingoo-A320 is as follows:

Up- Forward
Down - Backward
Left - Turn Left
Right - Turn Right
A - Fire
B - Run
Y - Open/Use
X - Weapon Select
L - Strafe Left
R - Strafe Right

Start - Bring up the menu / select a menu item
Select - When in game: Toggle automap
When in a menu: Go back / exit the menu

If X is held down:

Up - Next weapon
Down - Previous weapon
Left - Cycle the 2 best weapons
Right - Cycle within the current weapon type (i.e. if chainsaw
is the current weapon, switch to the fist,
if super shotgun is the current weapon,
switch to the shotgun)

The PrBoom paths have been updated so that savegames and the config
file will be located in the same directory as the game.
Date: 16/10/2009
Size: 1.11 MB
Version: 1.0
Author: CongoZombie
Downloads: 10,626
Full English Review:
Operating Systems:

Connection Download Time
56k Modem 3 mins, 36 secs
128k ISDN 1 mins, 42 secs
256k Cable/DSL 41.0 secs
512k Cable/DSL 21.3 secs
1mbit Link 10.5 secs
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