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Home : Dingoo - Emulators : Console Emulators : 107 Files 89.03 MB
 GameBoy Color: Dingoo Gnuboy (for native os)
dingoo gnuboy is a port of gnuboy for the dingoo with some extra options.
It has been ported by joyrider aka willems davy.

how to install ?
copy GNUBOY.SIM in the A:\\GAME\\ directory, it MUST be placed there and nowhere else !
Once you did this you can copy over roms to any directory you like on the dingoo. The roms
must be unzipped and have either a .gb or .gbc extention.

how to play ?
Once you copied your games and the sim file just use the "intresting games" menu to browse to the roms
and run them.

The default keys are the same as on the gameboy being:
A : A
B : B
Select : Select
Start : Start
L : QuickSave to selected saveslot
R : QuickLoad from selected saveslot

Y and X does nothing !

The menu?
Holding select+start will bring you to the menu where you can change diffrent options.
like showing the showing fps counter, the screen mode, sound volume, frameskip or save load a state as well as
quiting the emulator.

option notes:
- the frameskip option will skip one out of 2 frames so instead of rendering 60 frames per second it will
only render 30 frames per second, this will speed up certain games at the cost of loosing frames. Experiment with it

- there are 3 screen modes : Aspect FS which stretches the screen but keeping aspect ratio, Stretched full screen
and native. During native mode you will see a frame around the screen this frame can be customized !
by default the emulator will first look for game sepecific frames being .tga if it doesn't find it it will
look for the file name gnuboy.tga in the folder where you loaded the rom from, if it doesn't find that one it will do
a final check in A:\\game\\ for a gnuboy.tga and load that one. If they all fail the default frame will be loaded.

- about frames : The frames have to be a 320x240 uncompressed tga image ! do not try to use another format or another resolution.

- Save State and load state will display a number besides them this is the saveslot which is a number between 1 and 9 so you
can have up to 9 savestates per game (rom).

the rest of the options should be obvious.

A game doesn't work / load will this game ever work ?
- if the problem is emulation related it won't because i don't know much about emulator programming

I want to have a seperate frame for the original gameboy and color gameboy, is this possible ?
- YES, just put your GBC and GB roms in a seperate directory and place a gnuboy.tga image in each rom dir,
one for gbc games and one for gb games.

Will you port other emulators for the native os ?
- i have no intention to do this at the moment but who knows, time will tell.

Are save the settings from the menu saved ?
- yes they are saved but not per game.

will a save state in Game X work on emulator Y on another machine ?
- i have no clue, just test it although i doubt they'll work.

I want to request a feature, have something added to the emulator, where can i contact you ?
- using my website or on the or on channel #dingoo-a320

GnuBoy has been ported by joyrider - willems davy -

Thanks to the original author(s) of gnuboy without them this wouldn't have been possible,
flatmush for his excellent minimal lib, Alekmaul for the scaler code and sound threading example,
harteex (and zear) for the testing and Alf for creating the frame(s).

Thanks to the guys on #dingoo-a320 irc channel for giving a few tips, pointers and testing.
Name: dingoo
Date: 29/09/2009
Size: 1.49 MB
Version: 1.0
Author: Joyrider (for the port)
Downloads: 19,164
Full English Review:
Operating Systems: Dingoo A320 Native OS

Connection Download Time
56k Modem 4 mins, 51 secs
128k ISDN 1 mins, 91 secs
256k Cable/DSL 55.1 secs
512k Cable/DSL 28.6 secs
1mbit Link 14.2 secs
Please note: The comment section is NOT intended to ask for help. Please use the I need Help-Section at the boards.

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