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Thanks A LOT to Antiriad for the cool icons! |
recompilation (with Ayla's sdlwrapper) of Neo4all for dingoo A280 and A320e (dingux). Neo4all is a neogeo CD emulator. |
recompilation (with Ayla's sdlwrapper) of dingux Sms-sdl for dingoo A280 and A320e (dingux). dingux-sms-sdl is a MasterSystem emulator. |
v1.2 (21 Nov 2009) - Handle system events (exit on USB plugin etc). - Performance optimizations. - Added overclocking controls. - Added lynx speed control.
Place LynGOO.SIM together with lynxboot.img in your GAME folder and have fun with som...More |
Atari 2600 emulator for Dingux |
Stella is an Atari VCS 2600 Emulator for Dingux.
Controls: Usual joypad up, down, left right, and A button.
In menus, L jumps from control to control, A selects, and B cancels. L shows option menu. Start shows commands menu. Select to quit.
Ro...More |
Atari 7800 Emulator for Dingux |
A Colecovision emulator for the native OS of the Dingoo. |
Colecovision Emulator
- Cheat support ! - Memory monitoring engine to find your own cheat code ! - Text editor to modify the global cheat.txt file - Text editor to write your own comments on games - Display first comment line while browsing game fil...More |
DCaSTaway is a Atari ST Emulator for the Dingoo A320. |
Game Boy Advance default emulator from dingoo. |
Mega drive(Genesis) default emulator from dingoo. |
Neo Geo default emulator from dingoo. |
Nintendo NES(8-bit) default emulator from dingoo. |
Super Nintendo default emulator from dingoo. |
Dingear v.2.4
Sobre (original): ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Dingear é um emulador de Sega Master System / Game Gear/SG-1000/ Colecovision baseado * * em um m...More |
Atari 2600 emulator for Dingoo Native binary release. Uses .SIM |
The first release of the Dingoo Emulation Pack, which includes DingooSNES 1.2, DingooNES 1.1, and DingooSMS 1.0 |
Update: Now also HK patched, should work on all Dingoo A320 and Dingoo A330
This is a fix for memory leaks which caused it to crash on the newest dingoos, those without a paw mark. I added my implementation of Spiller's great idea for an auto memory re...More |
Watara Supervision emulator. |
Dingux-Hugo 1.3.0 Opendingux beta 1
-Funciona em Opendingux! -Baseado em source 1.3.0 dingux 1.3.0 beta 2 ; -Retirado menu seletor de clock ; -Retirado referencia a dev/mem ( para funcionar em Opendingux ); -Ainda sem som :( ; -Também fu...More |
Atari 2600 emulator.
Fixed sound. |
Dingux-7800 v1.2.0 beta 1 Notes: Based on the original version of the ZX-81 changes from 1.1.0 to 1.2.0 version of the psp. Added settings menu: Swap Analog / Cursor (in settings); Active Joystick (in settings); Auto fire period (in settings); Auto...More |
Dingux-7800 v1.2.0 beta 1 opendingux. Notes: Based on the original version of the ZX-81 changes from 1.1.0 to 1.2.0 version of the psp. Added settings menu: Swap Analog / Cursor (in settings); Active Joystick (in settings); Auto fire period (in setti...More |
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