OpenHandhelds File Archive
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Ohboy_Dingoo_Native_2014... 12/07/15
Temper 0.81 for Dingoo N... 27/09/14
Dingoo A320 Native vAtar... 21/09/14
MAME4ALL for Dingoo Nati... 03/09/14
MAME4ALL for Dingoo Nati... 03/09/14
ScummVM 1.7.0 "The Never... 10/08/14
Dingoo A-380 CFW V2.11.0... 27/05/14
Dingoo A-380 CFW V2.11.0... 24/05/14
SDL-VICE-2.4.6-A-380 11/05/14
Dingoo A-380 CFW V2.11.0... 13/04/14
Tile World (Chip's Chall... 09/04/14
Tail Tale for OpenDingux 12/02/14
Sometris 08/01/14
Dingoo A-380 CFW V2.10.2... 03/01/14
Dingoo A380 MAME4ALL v1.... 25/12/13
Dingoo A380 MAME4ALL v1.... 25/12/13
Cherry Candy Raep Gaiden 17/12/13
Dingoo A-380 CFW V2.10.2... 12/12/13
MAME4ALL v1.2 for Dingoo... 11/11/13
MAME4ALL v1.2 for Dingoo... 11/11/13
ReGBA v1.45 for OpenDing... 05/11/13
ReGBA [alpha 10] for Ope... 25/10/13
ReGBA [alpha 9] for Open... 24/10/13
ReGBA [alpha 7] for Open... 16/10/13
ReGBA [alpha 6] for Open... 09/10/13
OpenLiero for OpenDingux 09/09/13
SDL-VICE A-380/A-320e/A3... 30/07/13
Temper 0.80 for Dingoo N... 23/07/13
Super Mario War 1.7 (Apr... 14/07/13
Dingux-2600 A-380/A-320e 13/07/13
Wolf4D A380 04/07/13
OpenTyrian A-380 04/07/13
Dingoo A-380 CFW V2.09.0... 04/07/13
AES4All A-380/A-320e 16/06/13
Dooom 02/06/13
MilkyTracker source code 28/05/13
MilkyTracker 27/05/13
MAME4ALL for Dingoo Nati... 09/05/13
MAME4ALL for Dingoo Nati... 09/05/13
DOOM I and II + WolfenDO... 05/05/13
Dingoo A-380 CFW V2.08.0... 28/04/13
UAE4All A-380 27/04/13
DOOM II WAD Pack A-380/A... 25/04/13
DOOM I and II WAD Pack 2... 21/04/13
WolfenDOOM WAD Pack 2 A-... 21/04/13
WolfenDOOM WAD Pack A-38... 17/04/13
DOOM I and II WAD Pack A... 15/04/13
Pang A-380/A-320e 01/04/13
New kernel v3.6 & rootfs 26/03/13
Boulder Dash A-380/A-320... 23/03/13

 Browse  Browsing as Guest 
Home : Dingoo - Demos 18 Files 34.66 MB

Thanks A LOT to Antiriad for the cool icons!

 Screenshot  Name Date  Downloads  Comments  Size 
 3D Software Engine Demo 01/08/2011  1,453  13  625.7 KB 
A simple 3D software engine demo made with BennuGD! Excelent for door's and objects in a 2D perspective game.
 Ahhhh 05/09/2010  1,441  6  690.8 KB 

He's in your dingoo
 bb 19/08/2010  1,295  5  1.25 MB 
ASCII Art demo from the aa-project.
 BennuGD Dingoo Fractals 01/08/2011  1,350  11  618.3 KB 
A Dingoo (Dingux) Demo of 2 fractals generated by BennuGD engine.
 Chrysler 28/12/2009  1,620  5  1.04 MB 
A Dingux port of the demo "Chrysler" by Fit and Bandwagon. Source code included.
 Creep Tea 18/08/2010  281  3  666.4 KB 
Port of the demo Creep Tea, originally a GP2X demo which has been written for the GP2X demo competition 2006.
 HElliZER Dingux 24/12/2009  1,644  3  1.83 MB 
This is a Dingux port of the non-interactive demo "HElliZER".
 Hex Pistols 28/12/2009  1,593  3  858.1 KB 
A Dinugx port of the non-interactive funky demo "Hex Pistols" by Fit. Source code included.
 Jenny Thinks 08/06/2010  1,312  3  3.25 MB 
A Dingux port of the demo "Jenny Thinks" by Fit and Bandwagon. Source code included.
 Jump n Blob 09/01/2010  1,984  4  11.20 MB 
JnB ist ein typisches Jump and Run
mit aufpeppenden Adventure Elementen
(Inventory, AKS). Als Blob, eine kleine
blaue und niedliche formlose Gestalt, ist
es eure Aufgabe die Insel "Malis" zu retten

Euere Widersacher sind der gefürchtete
Beastking ...More
 Led Blur 31/07/2010  213  52  515.7 KB 
A port of the GP32 demo "Led Blur" by Optimus / Mindlapse.
 Loop 27/08/2010  1,195  3  1.56 MB 
A port of the demo Loop by CSR
 Megademo IV 2 19/12/2010  1,253  4  2.58 MB 
A Dingux port of the non-interactive demo "Megademo IV 2" by Artwork. Source code included.
 One Day Miracle 28/12/2009  1,579  3  240.1 KB 
A Dingux port of the non-interactive demo "One Day Miracle" by Fit. Source code included.
 Planet Hively 13/08/2010  170  5  207.0 KB 
Finally on the Dingoo too, the awesome musicdisk Planet Hively!

Planet Hively port for Dingux

To be able to select tracks, you need SiENcE´s mouse driver installed and running!!!!

Copy where you want and add a link to t...More
 qrash 04/09/2010  1,153  2  1.82 MB 
qrash is a non-interactive demo by the Queue Members Group. Source code included.
 Stercus Accidit 10/06/2010  1,389  3  5.50 MB 
A Dingux port of the Gothic-style demo "Stercus Accidit" by Fit.
 Timeless Demo (1994) 07/06/2010  1,393  3  202.4 KB 
The Timeless Demo was released 1994 by Tran. It was the first of Tran's esoteric screensavers. It has great music, and fluid blendings.

Download Timeless Dingux version

UP - speedup
X - pause
A - debug view
SELECT - exit

Have a nice expe...More
Downloads from this category: 22,188 Files (52.751 GB)

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Powered by CFiles 2.0-b10
Copyright © 2002-2003 Carrick Information Technologies
Most DownloadsMost Downloads
Mr Drillux 100,776
MAME4ALL Dingux v1.2 19,475
GameBoy Color: Dingoo Gn... 19,255
Dingoo A320 Firmware V 1... 17,094
gmenu2x for dingux 16,046
FBA320 v1.0 14,676
Default emulator: GBA 13,526
PSX4ALL 13,501
Genesis / SegaCD: PicoDr... 13,214
Windows 7 Transformation... 13,127
Dingoo Converter v.2.0 11,503
Default emulator: SNES 11,150
Default emulator: Neo Ge... 11,106
CZDoom 10,616
FBA Caching Script for N... 9,470
gpSP Dingux 9,310
Dingux minimal pack upda... 9,019
Psx4All DX 9,003
Default emulator: Mega D... 8,950
Neo Geo Pocket emulator 8,949
Dingoo A320 full manual ... 8,841
MPlayer 8,750
Psx4all V.8.1 8,686
Odyssey2: O2EM A320 8,487
complete flash tool and ... 8,453
WonderSwan: NuiWSC 8,373
Duke nukem 3d (staticly ... 8,335
DOSBox Public Test - Alp... 8,255
Gameboy Color: Emulator... 8,245
C64: Vice 8,208
MAME4ALL for Dingoo Nati... 8,173
eduke32 8,093
MVS Emulator with TEST s... 7,977
Dingoo Gnuboy (no paw fi... 7,964
Default emulator: Ninten... 7,854
PC-Engine: DOOEngine 7,809
HK Dingoo GBA.sim 7,726
Dingoo A320 Firmware V 1... 7,590
NES: Nofrendo 7,584
minimal local pack 7,438
PocketSNES v2.3.2 7,070
Dingoo Hacked Unbricker ... 6,975
Official A320 Recovery T... 6,785
Psx 4 all for Dingux 6,675
fheroes2 6,614
Snes9x-sdl (1.39) a snes... 6,569
Snes9x4D (for DINGUX) 6,493
Dingoo uclibc rootfs - 0... 6,353
MAME4ALL for Dingoo Nati... 6,087
DOOM II WAD Pack A-380/A... 5,841

Theme Design By Carrick Information Technologies