It's a pack containing LOTS of characters and some new levels for SmashGP:
Character List: Chrono, Chun Li, Contra, Coolspot, dante, Forte, Goemon, Gold Elite, Guile, Harpuia, Inuyasha, Jack, Link, Luigi (original), Majin Yusuke, Mario (original), Master Chief, Mecha Sonic, Megaman, Megaman Zero, Metool, Moriya, Pacman, Qwest, Retro Link, Riku, Rockman, Samurai Jack, Samus, Shadow, Sonic, Sora, Tails, Trunks, Wolverine, Zero.
Level List: Bowser's Dungeon, Dark Citadel, Deathstar, Mario World, Shark's Mouth, Pokemon Stadium (original), High (original), Blue Sky (original), Pipe Dream, Mario and Luigi Flyby, Mario World Basic (originally Small xx), Mario Brothers 3, Hell on Earth, Sunray, Mario World, Shinobi. |